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Volume 9, Number 4, August 2009

Charts for the bending moments in the closed rib orthotropic deck plate are derived, based on the method originally introduced by Pelikan and Esslinger. New charts are done for EN 1991-2 traffic load distribution schemes. The governing Huber plate equation is solved utilizing Fourier series for various bridge deck plate boundary conditions. Bending moments are given as a function of deck plate rigidities and span length between cross beams. Old diagrams according to DIN 1072, the new ones according to EN 1991-2 and FE analyses results are compared. For typical bridge orthotropic deck plates, it can be concluded that the new EN 1991-2 traffic loads produce larger mid-span bending moments when two lane schemes are used, then those of DIN 1072. For support moments, DIN 1072 gives larger values for any number of lanes, especially under span lengths of 5m. The relevant differences are up to 25%.

Key Words
bridge; orthotropic deck plate; closed rib; traffic load; bending moments.

Andjelko Vlasic, Jure Radic and Zlatko Savor;Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Kaciceva 26, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

This paper is concerned with steel-concrete composite plate girders curved in plan. At the design stage these girders are assumed sometimes to act independent of the deck slabs resting on them in order to simplify the analysis. The advantage of composite action between the steel girders and concrete deck is not utilized. Finite element modeling of such composite action in plate girders is considered in this paper. Details of the finite element modeling and the non-linear analysis of the girders are presented along with the results obtained. Tension field action in the web panels similar to those observed in the straight plate girders is also noticed in these girders. Finite element and experimental results in respect of curved steel plate girders and straight composite plate girders tested by other researchers are presented first to assess the accuracy of the modeling. Effects of parameters such as curvature, steel flange width and web panel width that affect the behavior of composite girders are then considered in the analyses. An approximate method to predict the ultimate strength of horizontally curved composite plate girders is also presented.

Key Words
composite plate girders; horizontally curved; ultimate shear strength; tension field; finite element method.

N. E. Shanmugam, M. A. Basher and A. R. Khalim; Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

The composite slim beam has become popular throughout Europe in recent years and has also been used on some projects in China. With its steel section encased in a concrete slab, the steel-concrete composite slim beam can provide the floor construction with minimum depth and high fire resistance. However, the design method of the T-shape steel-concrete composite beam is no longer applicable to the composite slim beam with deep deck for its special construction, of which the present design models are not available but mainly depend on experiences. The elevation of the flexural stiffness and bending capacity of composite slim beams with deep deck is rather complicated, because the influences of many factors should be taken into account, such as the variable section dimensions, development of cracks and non-linear characteristics of concrete, etc. In this paper, experimental investigations have been conducted into the flexural behavior of two specimens of simply supported composite slim beam with deep deck. The emphases were laid on the bonding force on the interface between steel beam and concrete, the stress distribution of beam section, the flexural stiffness and bending capacity of the composite beams. Based on the experimental results, the reduction factor of equivalent stress distribution in concrete flange is suggested, and the calculation method of flexural stiffness and bending capacity of simply supported slim beams are proposed.

Key Words
simply supported composite slim beam; experimental study; bending resistance; flexural stiffness; deep deck.

Yongjiu Shi, Lu Yang, Yuanqing Wang and Qiuzhe Li;
Department of Civil Engineering, the Key Laboratory of Structural Engineering and Vibration of China Education Ministry, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

This study focuses on the experimental evaluation of the flexural-torsional performance of high strength thin-walled composite members. A series of tests on composite members with various sectional aspect ratios subjected to eccentric cyclic loads were conducted. Test results show that the composite member

Key Words
Flexural-torsional performance; thin-walled composite members; high strength concrete; sectional aspect ratio.

H. L. Hsu, J. L. Juang and K. T. Luo; Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Chung-Li 32054, Taiwan

This paper presents the details of an advanced Finite Element (FE) analysis of a plane steel portal frame with semi-rigid beam-to-column connections subjected cyclic loading. In spite of several component models on cyclic behaviour of connections presented in the literature, works on numerical investigations on cyclic behaviour of full scale frames are rather scarce. This paper presents the evolution of an FE model which deals comprehensively with the issues related to cyclic behaviour of full scale steel frames using ABAQUS software. In the material modeling, combined kinematic/isotropic hardening model and isotropic hardening model along with Von Mises criteria are used. Connection non-linearity is also considered in the analysis. The bolt slip which happens in friction grip connection is modeled. The bolt load variation during loading, which is a pivotal issue in reality, has been taken care in the present model. This aspect, according to the knowledge of the authors, has been first time reported in the literature. The numerically predicted results using the methodology evolved in the present study, for the cyclic behaviour of a cantilever beam and a rigid frame, are validated with experimental results available in the literature. The moment-rotation and deflection responses of the evolved model, match well with experimental results. This proves that the methodology for evolving the steel frame and connection model presented in this paper is closer to real frame behaviour as evident from the good comparison and hence paves the way for further parametric studies on cyclic behaviour of flexibly connected frames.

Key Words
semi-rigid connection; steel frame; finite element modeling; cyclic loading.

Saravanan, M., Arul Jayachandran, S., Marimuthu, V. and Prabha, P.; Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai ?600 113, India

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