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Volume 12, Number 4, July 2009

For long-span suspension bridges with their intrinsic limit in flutter, some counter measures, for example, central stabilizers, should be adopted to improve aerodynamic stability to meet with the appropriate wind resistance requirements. The present paper introduces aerodynamic stabilization for long-span suspension bridges with box girders by using central stabilizers based on Xihoumen Bridge with the main span of 1650?m. The aerodynamic stabilization study covers experimental investigation of sectional model testing, comprehensive evaluation of three central stabilizers and theoretical analysis of stabilizing mechanism related to flutter derivatives, aerodynamic damping and degree participation.

Key Words
suspension bridge; flutter stabilization; flutter mechanism; box girder; central stabilizer.

Yaojun Ge, Xiaojie Zou and Yongxin Yang; State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

It has long been studied about the flow around bluff bodies, but the effect of aspect ratio on the sharp-edged bodies in thick turbulent boundary layers is still argued. The author investigates the flow characteristics around a series of rectangular bodies (40d x 80w x 80h, 80d x 80w x80h and 160dx80wx 80h in mm) placed in a deep turbulent boundary layer. The study is aiming to identify the extant Reynolds number independence of the rectangular bodies and furthermore understand the surface pressure distribution around the bodies such as the suction pressure in the leading edge, when the shape of bodies is changed, responsible for producing extreme suction pressures around the bluff bodies. The experiments are carried out at three different Reynolds numbers, based on the velocity U at the body height h, of 24,000, 46,000 and 67,000, and large enough that the mean boundary layer flow is effectively Reynolds number independent. The experiment includes wind tunnel work with the velocity and surface pressure measurements. The results show that the generation of the deep turbulent boundary layer in the wind tunnel and the surface pressure around the bodies were all independent of Reynolds number and the longitudinal length, but highly dependent of the transverse width.

Key Words
bluff body; rectangular obstacle; wind environment;surface pressure measurement.

Hee-Chang Lim; School of Mechanical, Engineering, PuKyong Nat\'l Univ.,San 100, Yongdang-Dong, Nam-Gu, Busan, 790-784, South Korea

This paper numerically and experimentally investigates the control performance of the active mass damper (AMD) systems in a 26-story high-rise building in use. This is the first full-scale application of the AMD system for suppressing the wind-induced vibration of a building structure in Korea. In addition, the AMD system was installed on top of the building already in use, which may be the world\'s first implementation case. In order to simultaneously mitigate the transverse-torsional coupled vibration of the building, two AMD systems were applied. Moreover, the H-infinity control algorithm has been developed to utilize the maximum capacity of the AMD system. From the results of numerical simulation using the wind load obtained from the wind tunnel tests, it was found that the maximum acceleration responses of the building were reduced significantly. Moreover, the control performance of the installed AMD system was examined by carrying out the free and forced vibration tests. The acceleration responses on top of the building in the controlled case measured under strong wind loads were compared with those in the uncontrolled case numerically simulated by using the wind load deduced from the measured data and a structural model of the building. It is demonstrated that the AMD system shows good control performance in reducing the building accelerations.

Key Words
active mass damper; building in use; H-infinity control; wind-induced vibration mitigation.

S.J. Park and J. Lee; R&D Technique Institute, Lotte Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd., Seoul 140-111, Korea
H.J. Jung and D.D. Jang; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 305-701, Korea
S.D. Kim; Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea Univ., Seoul 136-701, Korea

Many tower-supported steel stacks have been constructed in Japan, primarily for economic reasons. However the dynamic behavior of these stacks under a strong wind is not well known and the wind load design standard for this type of a stack has not yet been formulated. In light of this situation, we carried out wind response observation of an operating tower-supported steel stack with and without a tuned-mass damper. The observation revealed the performance of the tuned-mass damper installed on the stack in order to control the wind-induced vibration. Based on the observed data, we performed a wind tunnel test of a specimen of the stack. In this paper we report the results of the wind tunnel test and some comparisons with the results of observation. Our findings are as follows: 1) the tuned-mass damper installed on the specimen in the wind tunnel test worked as well as the one on the observed stack, 2) the amplitude of the vortex-induced vibration of the specimen corresponded approximately to that of the observed stack, and 3) correlation between Scruton number and reduced amplitude, y/d, (y is amplitude, d is diameter) was confirmed by both the wind tunnel test and the observed results.

Key Words
tower-supported steel stack; vortex-induced vibration; wind tunnel test; tuned-mass damper; scruton number; resonance.

Shin Homma; Structural Design Division, Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Osaka 559-8559, Japan
Junji Maeda; Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
Naoya Hanada; Civil Engineering Dept., Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Fukuoka 810-8720, Japan

Since 1998, several institutions have deployed mobile instrumented towers to collect research-grade meteorological data from landfalling tropical cyclones. This study examines the wind flow characteristics from seven landfalling tropical cyclones using data collected from eight individual mobile tower deployments which occurred from 1998-2005. Gust factor, turbulence intensity, and integral scale statistics are inspected relative to changing surface roughness, mean wind speed and storm-relative position. Radar data, acquired from the National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Surveillance Radar - 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) network, are examined to explore potential relationships with respect to radar reflectivity and precipitation structure (convective versus stratiform). The results indicate tropical cyclone wind flow characteristics are strongly influenced by the surrounding surface roughness (i.e., exposure) at each observation site, but some secondary storm dependencies are also documented.

Key Words
tropical cyclones; radar; tower measurements; wind; gust factors; integral scales; turbulence intensity; roughness lengths.

John L. Schroeder; Atmospheric Science Group, Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A.
Becca P. Edwards and Ian M. Giammanco; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A.

Low rise building roofs can be subjected to large fluctuating pressures during a tropical cyclone resulting in fatigue failure of cladding. Following the damage to housing in Tropical Cyclone Tracy in Darwin, Australia, the Darwin Area Building Manual (DABM) cyclic loading test criteria, that loaded the cladding for 10000 cycles oscillating from zero to a permissible stress design pressure, and the Experimental Building Station TR440 test of 10200 load cycles which increased in steps to the permissible stress design pressure, were developed for assessing building elements susceptible to low cycle fatigue failure. Recently the \'Low-High-Low\' (L-H-L) cyclic test for metal roofing was introduced into the Building Code of Australia (2007). Following advances in wind tunnel data acquisition and full-scale wind loading simulators, this paper presents a comparison of wind-induced cladding damage, from a \"design\" cyclone proposed by Jancauskas, et al. (1994), with current test criteria developed by Mahendran (1995). Wind tunnel data were used to generate the external and net pressure time histories on the roof of a low-rise building during the passage of the \"design\" cyclone. The peak pressures generated at the windward roof corner for a tributary area representative of a cladding fastener are underestimated by the Australian/New Zealand Wind Actions Standard. The \"design\" cyclone, with increasing and decreasing wind speeds combined with changes in wind direction, generated increasing then decreasing pressures in a manner similar to that specified in the L-H-L test. However, the L-H-L test underestimated the magnitude and number of large load cycles, but overestimated the number of cycles in the mid ranges. Cladding elements subjected to the L-H-L test showed greater fatigue damage than when experiencing a five hour \"design\" cyclone containing higher peak pressures. It is evident that the increased fatigue damage was due to the L-H-L test having a large number of load cycles cycling from zero load (R=0) in contrast to that produced during the cyclone.

Key Words
wind loads; design; pressure; tropical cyclone; damage; cladding; fatigue; test.

David J. Henderson and John D. Ginger; Cyclone Testing Station, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Murray J. Morrison and Gregory A. Kopp; Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

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