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Volume 25, Number 1, September20 2017

Seismic performance of hybrid steel frames defined as mixture of rigid and semi-rigid connections is investigated in this paper. Three frames with 10, 15 and 20 stories are designed with fully rigid connections and then with 4 patterns for semirigid connection placement, some of beam to column rigid connections would turn to semi-rigid. Each semi-rigid connection is considered with 4 different moment capacities and all rigid and semi-rigid frames consisting of 51 models are subjected to 5 selected earthquake records for nonlinear analysis. Maximum story drifts, roof acceleration and base shear are extracted for those 5 earthquake records and average values are obtained for each case. Based on numerical results for the proposed hybrid frames, story drifts remain in allowable range and the reductions in the maximum roof acceleration of 22, 29 and 25% and maximum base shear of 33, 31 and 54% occur in those 10, 15 and 20-story frames, respectively.

Key Words
semi-rigid connection; hybrid steel frame; seismic performance; moment capacity ratio

(1) Mohammad Bayat:
School of Civil Engineering, the University of Tehran, Iran;
(2) Seyed Mehdi Zahrai:
Center of Excellence for Engineering and Management of Civil Infrastructures, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran.

The widespread damage to steel Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) in past major earthquakes have underscored the need to understand the nonlinear inelastic behaviour of such systems. To assess the seismic performance of steel MRF, it is essential to model the nonlinear force-deformation behaviour of beam to column joints. To determine the extent of inelasticity in a beam to column joint, nonlinear finite element analysis is generally carried out, which is computationally involved and demanding. In order to obviate the need of such elaborate analyses, a simplistic method to predict the force-deformation behaviour is required. In this study, a simple, mechanics driven, hand calculation method is proposed to obtain the forcedeformation behaviour of strong axis beam to column moment joints. The force-deformation behaviour for twenty-five interior and exterior beam to column joints, having column to beam strength ratios ranging from 1.2 to 10.99 and 2.4 to 22, respectively, have been obtained. The force-deformation behaviour predicted using the proposed method is compared with the results of finite element analyses. The results show that the proposed method predicts the force-deformation behaviour fairly accurately, with much lesser computational effort. Further the proposed method has been used to conduct Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analyses of two benchmark frames; close correspondence of results obtained with published results establishes the usefulness and computational accuracy of the method.

Key Words
moment resisting frames; column to beam strength ratio; joint panel zone; force-deformation behaviour

(1) Arnav A. Kasar, S.D. Bharti, M.K. Shrimali:
Department of Civil Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Jaipur-302017, India;
(2) Rupen Goswami:
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai-600036, India.

This paper presents the findings of experimental and numerical investigations on failure analysis and structural behavior of notched steel I-beams reinforced by bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) plates under static load. To find solutions for preventing or delaying the failures, understanding the CFRP failure modes is beneficial. One non-strengthened control beam and four specimens with different deficiencies (one side and two sides) on flexural flanges in both experimental test and simulation were studied. Two additional notched beams were investigated just numerically. In the experimental test, four-point bending method with static gradual loading was employed. To simulate the specimens, ABAQUS software in full three dimensional (3D) case and non-linear analysis method was applied. The results show that the CFRP failure modes in strengthening of deficient steel I-beams include end-debonding, below point load debonding, splitting and delamination. Strengthening schedule is important to the occurrences and sequences of CFRP failure modes. Additionally, application of CFRP plates in the deficiency region prevents crack propagation and brittle failure.

Key Words
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP); failure modes; deficiency; I-beam; steel; strengthening

Department of Civil Engineering, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.

Stainless steel exhibits high ductility and strain hardening capacity in comparison with carbon steel widely used in constructions. To analyze the particular behaviour of stainless steel cover-plate joints, an experimental study was conducted. It showed large ductility and complex failure modes of the joints. A non-linear finite element model was developed to predict the main parameters influencing the behaviour of these joints. The results of this deterministic model allow us to built a meta-model by using the quadratic response surface method, in order to allow for efficient reliability analysis. This analysis is then applied to the assessment of design formulae in the currently used codes of practice. The reliability analysis has shown that the stainless steel joint design according to Eurocodes leads to much lower failure probabilities than the Eurocodes target reliability for carbon steel, which incites revising the resisting model evaluation and consequently reducing stainless steel joint costs. This approach can be used as a basis to evaluate a wide range of steel joints involving complex failure modes, particularly bearing failure.

Key Words
stainless steel joints; Eurocode 3; finite element modelling; reliability index; elastic-plastic analysis; bearing failure mode

(1) Julien Averseng:
LMGC, Université Montpellier 2, CC 048, place Eugène bataillon, 34790 Montpellier, France;
(2) Abdelhamid Bouchair, Alaa Chateauneuf:
Université Clermont Auvergne, Institut Pascal, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France;
(3) Abdelhamid Bouchair, Alaa Chateauneuf:
CNRS, UMR 6602, Institut Pascal, F-63171 Aubière, France.

The fatigue fracture of studs is the main reason for failure of composite beams based on massive engineering practices. Hence, studying the laws of cracks initiation and propagation are of great directive significance. eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is an effective method in solving moving discontinuous problems in recent years. This paper extends our recent work on the fatigue damage analysis of stud shear connectors in the steel and crumble rubber concrete (RRFC) composite beams based on XFEM. The process of crack initiation to failure of the stud is simulated and an effective calculation criteria for the fatigue life of the composite beams is put forward. After the reliability of the numerical analysis is verified based on tests results, the extensive parametric study is conducted concerning effects of different rubber contents, shear connection degrees and the stress amplitudes. Results show that with the increasing rubber contents and shear connection degrees, the fatigue lives of composite beams increase obviously. Furthermore, the relationship between the fatigue life of the stud at the edge of the shear span and the whole composite beams is studied. Finally, the S-N curves of the single stud and the whole composite beams are put forward based on XFEM.

Key Words
crumble rubber concrete; extended finite element method; push-out test; composite beams; studs; crack; fatigue life

(1) Qing-Hua Han, Guang Yang, Jie Xu, Yi-Hong Wang:
School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
(2) Qing-Hua Han, Jie Xu:
Key Laboratory of Coast Civil Structure and Safety of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China.

In this study, free vibration of functionally graded (FG) micro/nanobeams based on nonlocal third-order shear deformation theory and under different boundary conditions is investigated by applying the differential quadrature method. Third-order shear deformation theory can consider the both small-scale effects and quadratic variation of shear strain and hence shear stress along the FG nanobeam thickness. The governing equations are obtained by using the Hamilton's principle, based on third-order shear deformation beam theory. The differential quadrature (DQ) method is used to discretize the model and attain the natural frequencies and mode shapes. The properties of FG micro/nanobeam are assumed to be chanfged along the thickness direction based on the simple power law distribution. The effects of various parameters such as the nonlocal parameter, gradient index, boundary conditions and mode number on the vibration characteristics of FG micro/nanobeams are discussed in detail.

Key Words
nanobeam; free vibration; nonlocal elasticity; third-order shear deformation theory; functionally gradient materials

Smart Structures and New Advanced Materials Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.

Initial damage to a stud due to corrosion, fatigue, unexpected overloading, a weld defect or other factors could degrade the shear capacity of the stud. Based on typical push-out tests, a FEM model and theoretical formulations were proposed in this study. Six specimens with the same geometric dimensions were tested to investigate the effect of the damage degree and location on the static behavior and shear capacity of stud shear connectors. The test results indicated that a reduction of up to 36.6% and 62.9% of the section area of the shank could result in a dropping rate of 7.9% and 57.2%, respectively, compared to the standard specimen shear capacity. Numerical analysis was performed to simulate the push-out test and validated against test results. A parametrical study was performed to further investigate the damage degree and location on the shear capacity of studs based on the proposed numerical model. It was demonstrated that the shear capacity was not sensitive to the damage degree when the damage section was located at 0.5d, where d is the shank diameter, from the stud root, even if the stud had a significant reduction in area. Finally, a theoretical formula with a reduction factor K was proposed to consider the reduction of the shear capacity due to the presence of initial damage. Calculating K was accomplished in two ways: a linear relationship and a square relationship with the damage degree corresponding to the shear capacity dominated by the section area and the nominal diameter of the damaged stud. This coefficient was applied using Eurocode 4, AASHTO LRFD (2014) and GB50017-2003 (2003) and compared with the test results found in the literature. It was found that the proposed method produced good predictions of the shear capacity of stud shear connectors with initial damage.

Key Words
studs; initial damage; push-out test; shear capacity; reduction factor; FEM analysis

(1) Jianan Qi, Jingquan Wang, Ming Li, Leilei Chen:
Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;
(2) Jianan Qi:
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, USA.

In the present work, the effect of hygrothermal aging on the glass fibre and epoxy matrix interface has been investigated by destructive and non-destructive techniques. The glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite laminates were prepared using Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Molding (VARIM) technique and the specimens were immersed in simulated seawater, followed by quantitative measurement. Besides this, the tensile tests of GFRP specimens revealed a general decrease in the properties with increasing aging time. Also, exposed specimens were characterized by a non-destructive ultrasonic guided Lamb wave propagation technique. The experimental results demonstrate a correlation between the drop in ultrasonic voltage amplitude and fall in tensile strength with increasing time of immersion. Hence, the comparison of the transmitted guided wave signal of healthy vis-a-vis specimens subjected to different extents of hygrothermal aging facilitated performance evaluation of GFRP composites.

Key Words
GFRP; polymer composites; environmental degradation; marine environment; mechanical properties; damage mechanism; non-destructive testing

(1) Mohit Garg:
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada;
(2) Shruti Sharma:
Department of Civil Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, India;
(3) Sandeep Sharma:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, India;
(4) Rajeev Mehta:
Department of Chemical Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, India.

This paper presents the dynamic stability study of laminated composite plates with different force combinations and aspect ratios. Optimum non-diverging stacking is obtained for certain loading combination and aspect ratio. In addition, the stability force is maximized for a definite operating frequency. A dynamic version of the principle of virtual work for laminated composites is used to obtain force-frequency relation. Since dynamic stiffness governs the divergence or flutter, an efficient optimization method is necessary for the response functional and the relevant constraints. In this way, a model based on the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is proposed to search for the proper stacking. The ACO algorithm is used since it treats with large number of dynamic stability parameters. Governing equations are formulated using classic laminate theory (CLT) and von-Karman plate technique. Load-frequency relations are explicitly obtained for fundamental and secondary flutter modes of simply supported composite plate with arbitrary aspect ratio, stacking and boundary load, which are used in optimization process. Obtained results are compared with the finite element method results for validity and accuracy convince. Results revealed that the optimum stacking with stable dynamic response and maximum critical load is in angle-ply mode with almost near-unidirectional fiber orientations for fundamental flutter mode. In addition, short plates behave better than long plates in combined axial-shear load case regarding stable oscillation. The interaction of uniaxial and shear forces intensifies the instability in long plates than short ones which needs low-angle layup orientations to provide required dynamic stiffness. However, a combination of angle-ply and cross-ply stacking with a near-square aspect ratio is appropriate for the composite plate regarding secondary flutter mode.

Key Words
ant colony optimization; dynamic stability; flutter; combined force; laminated composite plate

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Urmia University of Technology, Urmia, Iran.

The component method is an analytical approach for investigating the moment.rotation relationship of steel connections. In this study, the component method was improved from two aspects: (i) load analysis of mechanical model; and (ii) combination of spring elements. An optimized component method with more reasonable component models, spring arrangement position, and boundary conditions was developed using finite element analysis. An experimental testing program in two major-axis and two minor-axis connections under symmetrically loading was carried out to verify this method. The initial rotational stiffness obtained from the optimized component method was consistent with the experimental results. It can be concluded that (i) The coupling stiffness between column and beam flanges significantly affects the effective height of the tensile-column web. (ii) The mechanical properties of the bending components were obtained using an equivalent t-stub model considering the bending capacity of bolts. (iii) Using the optimized mechanical components, the initial rotational stiffness was accurately calculated using the spring system. (iv) The characteristics of moment.rotation relationship for beam to column connections were effectively expressed by the SPRING element analysis model using ABAQUS. The calculations are simpler, and the results are accurate.

Key Words
method optimization; component method; rotational stiffness; spring element; major-axis connection; minor-axis connection

(1) Shizhe Chen, Jianrong Pan, Hui Yuan, Zhuangning Xie, Zhan Wang, Xian Dong:
School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China;
(2) Shizhe Chen, Jianrong Pan, Zhan Wang:
State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China.

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