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Volume 2, Number 2, April 2002

The aim of the paper is to present some results about the influence of rheological phenomena on steel-concrete composite beams. Both the cases of slab with ormal and high performance concrete for one and two-span beams are analysed. A new finite element model that allows taking into account creep, shrinkage and cracking in tensile zones for concrete, along with non-linear behaviour of connection, steel beam and reinforcement, has been used. The main parameters that affect the response of the composite beam under the service load are highlighted. The influence of shrinkage on the slip over the supports is analysed, together withrnthe cracking along the beam. At last, by performing a collapse analysis after a long-term analysis, the influence of rheological phenomena on the ductility demand of connection and reinforcement is analysed.

Key Words
composite beams, steel, concrete, high performance concrete, creep, shrinkage, rheological

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, 34127 Trieste, Italy

The differential quadrature method (DQM) is a numerical technique of rather recent origin,rnwhich by its continually increasing applications in different problems of engineering, is a competingrnalternative to the conventional numerical techniques for the solution of initial and boundary valuernproblems. The work of this paper concerns the application of the DQM in the area of the buckling of multirnlayered orthotropic composite plates with various boundary conditions the buckling of multi layeredrncomposite plates with constant and variable thickness under axial compressive static loading is considered.rnThe effects of fiber orientation and boundary conditions on static behavior of composite plates arernpresented .The comparison of results from the present method and those obtained from NISA II softwarernshows the accuracy and reliability of this method.

Key Words
buckling, composite, plate, differential, quadrature

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Guilan University Rasht, D.O. Box 3756, IranrnDepartment of Mathmatics, UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD, U.K.

The performance of steel MRF with rigid connections, proportioned by adopting different capacity design criteria, is evaluated in order to highlight the effectiveness of static non-linear procedure in predicting the structural seismic behavior. In the framework of the performance-based design, some considerations are made on the basis of the results obtained by both dynamic time histories and push-over analyses, particularly with reference to the damage level and the structure ability to withstand a strong earthquake.

Key Words
seismic behaviour, overstrength, performance-based design, push-over analysis, time history analysis

Department of Analysis and Structural Design, University of Naples Federico II? Naples, ItalyrnDiMSAT, University of Cassino, Cassino, Italy

This paper describes a series of compression tests carried out on concrete filled double skin tubes (CFDST). Both outer and inner tubes are cold-formed circular hollow sections (CHS). Six section sizes were chosen for the outer tubes with diameter-to-thickness ratio ranging from 19 to 57. Two section sizes are chosen for the inner tubes with diameter-to-thickness ratio of 17 and 33. The failure modes, strength, ductility and energy absorption of CFDST are compared with those of empty single skin tubes. Increased ductility and energy absorption have been observed for CFDST especially for those having slender outer tubes with largerrndiameter-to-thickness ratio. Predictions from several theoretical models are compared with the ultimate strength of CFDST stub columns obtained in the tests. The proposed formula was found to be in good agreement with the experimental data.

Key Words
concrete-filled tubes, double-skin composite sections, circular hollow sections

Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia

TThis paper summarises results of the research performed at the Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics from the \"Politehnica\" University of Timisoara, Romania, in order to evaluate the performance of beam-to-column extended end plate connections for steel and composite joints. It comprises laboratory tests on steel and composite joints, and numerical modelling of joints, based on tests. Tested joints are double-sided, with structural elements realised of welded steel sections. The columns are of cruciform cross-section, while the beams are of I section. Both monotonic and cyclic loading, symmetrically and antisymmetrically, has been applied. On the basis of tested joints, a refined computer model has been calibrated using a special connection element of the computer code DRAIN 2DX. In this way, a static/dynamic structural analysis of framed structures with real characteristics of the beam to column joints is possible.

Key Words
beam-to column joints, steel joints, composite joints, experimental tests, ductility, resistance, joint modelling; structural analysis.

Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture,rnPolitehnica University of Timisoara, I. Curea nr.1, Timisoara 1900, Romania

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