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Volume 8, Number 1, September 2019

In the present study, analysis of contaminant transport through one dimensional unsaturated stratified media using element free Galerkin method has been presented. Element free Galerkin method is a meshfree method. A FORTRAN code has been developed for the same. The developed model is compared with the results available in the literature and are found in good agreement. Further a parametric study has been conducted to examine the effects of various parameters like velocity, dispersivity, retardation factor and effect of saturation on the contaminant flow. The results presented conclude that transport of contaminant is retarded in unsaturated zone in comparison with the saturated zone.

Key Words
air quality; genetic programming; pune city; spatio temporal modelling

S. Rupali:Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar ,144011, India

Vishwas A. Sawant: Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 247667, India

In this study, Malachite Green (MG) dye removal from synthetic wastewaters by adsorption process using raw boron enrichment waste (BEW) and it\'s modifications (with acid and ultrasound) were aimed. 81% MG removal was obtained by BEW at optimum equilibrium conditions (time: 40 min., dosage: 500 mg/dm3, pH: 5-6, speed: 200 rpm, 298 K). MG removal from wastewaters using acid modified boron enrichment waste (HBEW) was determined as 82% at optimum conditions (time: 20 min., dosage: 200 mg/ dm3, pH: 10, speed: 200 rpm, 298 K). For ultrasound modified BEW (UBEW), the highest MG removal percent was achieved as 84% at optimum conditions (time: 30 min, dosage: 375 mg/ dm3, pH: 8, speed: 200 rpm, 298 K). The equilibrium data of Malachite Green was evaluated for BEW, HBEW and UBEW adsorbents by using sorption isotherms such as Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin models, out of which Langmuir model (R2 = 0.971, 0.987 and 0.984) gave better correlation and maximum adsorption capacity was found to be 147.05, 434.78 and 192.30 mg/g, respectively. The adsorption kinetics followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic equation for sorption of MG onto wastes. A look at thermodynamic data reveals that natural sorption is spontaneous and endothermic because of free negative energy exchange and positive change in enthalpy, respectively. The results indicated that boron enrichment waste, and HCl and ultrasound-modified boron enrichment waste served as good alternative adsorbents in dye removal from wastewater.

Key Words
adsorption; malachite green; boron enrichment waste; dye removal; ultrasound

Muhammed Kamil Oden: Department of Environmental Protect Technology, University of Selcuk, Sarayonu V.H.S., Konya, Turkey

Sezen Kucukcongar: Department of Environmental Engineering, Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty,
Konya Technical University, 42031 Konya, Turkey

This paper presents comprehensive scientific details about mangrove soil in Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat. A total of ten sites were studied during November, 2011 to December, 2014 in order to know the physico-chemical characteristics of mangrove soil. The results indicated that the soil in GoK had silty loam texture. Other physico-chemical parameters ranged as; pH: 7.39–7.61, Bulk Density: 0.30 g/cm3-0.54 g/cm3, Particle Density: 1.26 g/cm3–1.76 g/cm3, Organic Carbon: 0.70%-1.13%, Organic Matter: 1.01%-1.74% and Moisture Content: 33.45%-56.38%. The paper would be useful to the stakeholders, coastal managers and scientific communities to know the mangrove soil conditions of Gulf of Kachchh for management and planning for conservation of mangrove ecosystem.

Key Words
Gulf of Kachchh; Mangrove soil; physico-chemical parameters; spatial variation

Patel Rajal, Christian Lamb, Bhagat Roshan and Kamboj R.D: Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation Indroda Nature Park,P.O. Sector 7, Gandhinagar-382007, India

Salvi Harshad: Government Science College, Songadh, Tapi, India

The generation of ferrous slag, an industrial by-product from the iron ore industry, results in serious environmental problems. The chemical compositions indicate 30-34% SiO2, 30-34% CaO, 18-22% Al2O3 and 0.5-0.6% Fe2O3. The specific gravity, moisture content and pH are in the range of 1.3-1.65, 9.1-10% and 8.5-9.0 respectively. The major part of the slag is composed of sand-size particles. The problems of disposal of slag could be minimized by considering its use in various environmental engineering applications providing additional value to the by-product. This paper mainly focuses on the potential utilization and valorisation of ferrous slag in both water and wastewater treatments. It is effective for the treatment of water and wastewater containing nutrients, heavy metals and polluted river/stormwater.

Key Words
blast furnace slag; nutrient removal; heavy metals; filter media

Anjali M S: Department of Civil Engineering, L.B.S. College of Engineering, Muliyar PO 671542, Kasaragod, Kerala, India

Shrihari S and Sunil B: Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Surathkal, Srinivasnagar PO 575025, India

Effective waterproofing of structures was a compulsory constraint to avoid leaks and dampness or humidity in walls, ceilings, roofs underground tank and underground room. Traditionally used methods of roof waterproofing were bitumen with tinny seared clay tiles are very troublesome, overwhelming time and involving high labor cost. These waterproofing methods are not allocation the purpose due to their intrinsic disadvantages. Prepackaged polymer modified slurries (PPPMS) are now attainment the vogue and easy to use, easily available in the market, cheaper in cost and more workable than the traditional methods of waterproofing. An experimental study has shown that prepackaged polymer modified slurries (PPPMS) are superior in cost and performance to as a roof water proof coatings. Bituminous coatings were mixed with water and different combination of prepackaged polymer modified slurries and primer respectively, to find optimum coverage underneath worst atmospheric conditions. Every specimen of different proportioned was applied on plane roofs and through the passage of time, their performance was checked, assessed and associated with each other. The roof of approximately 40000 ft2 area of prepackaged polymer modified slurries was used will give us hundred percent result (no water seepage or no water absorption) therefore no complaints as compare to roofs area of approximately 24000 ft2 bituminous coating was used for waterproofing they have shown the result of 30 to 40 percent water seepage. This result shows that prepackaged polymer modified slurries were two times cheaper than bituminous coating. Comparing an equal number of surfaces coated with a polymer modified prepackaged mortar and bitumen the prepackaged polymer modified slurries (PPPMS) showed excellent performance, ease of application and low bitumen coating cost.

Key Words
pre packaged polymer modified slurry (PPPMS); bitumen; water proofing; roof waterproofing; coating

Safdar Iqbal, Beenish Jehan Haris Khan and Sarmad Ali Khan: CECOS University of I.T and Emerging Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan

Fasih Ahmed Khan: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering &Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan

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